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World Toughest Row

Medical First Aid Kit & Training

Tailored training for WTR participants

Are your participating in the upcoming World Toughest Row (WTR) Challenge?

The organization requires you to arrange your own medical kit and RYA accepted medical first aid certificate.

I’m Rob Sijbers, GP in Veenendaal, the Netherlands. I have a passion for educating sailors and rowers who plan to cross oceans.

As a former tropical doctor in subsaharan Africa and avid sailor, I know how challenging it can be to deal with a medical crisis in an environment that lacks many modern tools. Out there on the ocean, you’re on your own. If something happens, it’s up to you to deal with it.

Over the past five years I taught many hundreds of sailors how to prevent, treat and keep a level head with medical trauma at sea.

Supported WTR teams with a medical training, RYA First Aid exam and/or medical kit- medicine box;

  • 2021 Dutch team Mark Slats/Kai Wiedmer
  • 2022 Dutch female team DOTS and two Swiss teams.
  • ’22/’23 English/Dutch team and the Dutch team BokaNedurance.
  • ’24/’25 Dutch team Mark Slats Row4Cancer

In this WTR medical training, we follow the WTR protocol when composing the first aid kit and medication box, ensuring you’re all set for the challenge.World 

Mark Slats ehbo sijbers
ehbo zelfredzaamheid op zee

What's in the WTR Medical Training?

Maritime first aid course special adapted for the World Toughest Row Challenge.
A 4 hourly practical course. You will practice many first aid elements!

Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands. Incl. preparationsheets and a modest lunch.

The training consists of:
  • basic life support-CPR;
  • Hypothermia & cold shock;
  • Basic vital signs;
  • Severe bleeding control & bandaging;
  • Sprains & bone fracture treatment;
  • Consciousness disorders; 
  • Rescue communication via VHF;
  • Seassickness prevention and treatment;
  • Dehydration prevention and treatment;
  • Hyperthermia prevention and treatment.
Optional theoretical exam for the RYA accepted first aid certificate: € 21,- incl. VAT per member

Inquire about the training by submitting the form below.

WTR Medical Training price

€ ....,- per member

including VAT and sponsorship discount

What's in the WTR First Aid Kit?

ehbo tas zeezeilen
Fully equipped waterproof first aid bag of German top brand PAX ‘First Responder’ which fits in the living compartment of your rowing boat.

Equipped with the standard Dutch first aid package with several specials like a bone splint, staple device, extra bandages/gauzes, syringes, medical fluids, etc.
Of course it meet the standards of the official TWAC medical kit list (appendix 2)

WTR First Aid Kit Price

€ ...,- per kit

including VAT and sponsorship discount

What's in the WTR Medical Box?

Specially adapted for the WTR an extensive medication box by a Dutch pharmacy and equipped based on your personal needs. More extensive than the official Talisker needs of appendix 2!

WTR Medical Box

€ ...,- per kit

Estimated price, varies per team (incl. VAT)

Request your TWAC Medical Training + First Aid Kit

Submitting this form does not commit you to anything.

About the instructor

Rob Sijbers

  • RYA first aid and radar certified
  • OPST, Offshore safety at sea course US Sailing 
  • Short Range certificaat, VB I/II 
  • Former tropical doctor
  • Currently working as GP in Veenendaal, the Netherlands
  • Loves sailing and teaching